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Old 10-04-2001, 02:27 AM   #33
Red Dragon

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: Scotch College, Melbourne
Posts: 1,503
1. Name? Kenneth

2. Rank? (ha) (and I don't mean the thing to the left of our posts. ) No I use deodorant..

3. Serial Number? (haha) heh?

4. Smoker or Non-smoker or a Reformed Smoker (did, but don't anymore)? Dont smoke..I Smoke in other ways

5. What did you wanna be when you were a kid? Lawyer, Actor, now I want to be a psychologist..

6. What do you really want to do (compared with what you currently do)? Anything but what I do

7. Cereal or oatmeal? Cereal

8. Do you know what 'grits' are? Uh, no.

9. Do you like caviar? Nope

10. What is your favorite pasttime when NOT on the computer? Flirting Sleeping maybe. I get too little of that.

11. Boxers or briefs? (ladies, unless you wear those 'ladies boxers', this is for what you like to see on a guy) I'm alright with both.

12. Flowers or candy? (guys, unless you like receiving either of these, just state what you are most likely to give as a gift TO a lady.) A massage

13. What is your favorite color? Blue, Certain shades of Red

Bonus question: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? I swallow pretty quick, but it depends on what I'm swallowing..

14. Does anyone actually LIKE fish for breakfast??? (kippers) Fish? Where do you live? Japan??

Editut in Spaces
No-Name Face

[This message has been edited by Lifetime (edited 10-04-2001).]
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