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Old 10-28-2000, 03:12 AM   #7

Posts: n/a

My playing partner discovered one of the ways some of you might have lost important quest items. If you have a quest item on a character and remove him from the party at the inn, the quest item(s) disappear from his inventory.
He learned this the hard way...his one man party stored his Viper Temple Monkey Idols on a mule character at the inn because a one character party doesn't really have alot of room.
He didn't know they were gone until he needed them.
Talk about frustration trying to figure out what the hell happened to them, he remembered he stored them on his inn character.
He told me about his discovery and we checked it out with retired characters at the inn holding old quest items from the crypt, (e.g. bauble stick, crypt keys, etc.), and they were gone as well.

He had no choice but to reset the adventures and start over...with a badass char though so it didn't take long to get back to where he was.

Isn't that a hoot!? These little gamestopping bugs in the game are far more frightening than the monsters. Hopefully it's only a bug and not part of the game because the game seems to be set up to where if you want to roleplay, you wouldn't, for instance, take a paladin along with a character doing the assassin quest.

The game is alot of fun...even with all these little annoyances and setbacks. Would be awesome without them though.