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Old 11-13-2000, 07:14 PM   #18
Welcomed New User

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Posts: 3

Well, if Wyvern is the joi de vivre, I think it only fair that I be the foie gras! Wait.. that doesn't sound quite right.

Err, anyway, RavenW, the image, please have it no larger than 200x200 (preferably less than 150x150), in gif or jpg format. It might be wise not to make it too "dark", either, as the site's opacity effect renders the author's pictures at 50% brightness until a mouse hover is realized. It can be of you, or something stylized; we have examples on the site. I do most of my editing in 24-bit color, but of course the .gif format will crunch it down to 256. If you want to integrate transparency, please make sure it looks good against a black background.

Oh , and CRPG is Computer Role Playing Game..

P.S. Folks, we should vote on a Story Archive mascot soon.. if you have any "funny" animal/entity pictures, feel free to submit them.. I think something with a monkey theme might work, make alzagor proud.
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