Thread: Rikard Vs Wah
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Old 01-21-2001, 09:03 PM   #16
"Hell Lich" Wah

Posts: n/a

(Later on in the Cowled Wizard's Tower Of Runes)

Rikard: Pssssssssst. Kael! Can you hear me?
Kael: Yeah? Awwww god, can't feel my arms.
Rikard: That's because we're pencils you silly idiot.

Rikard: Hey? What's that black charcoal doing over there?
Kael: Charcoal?
Rikard: Oh shit! It's him!!! It's Hell Lich Wah!!
Kael: Damn! Must've been really hard for him - one minute a powerful lich, the next minute a...........writing equipment?

Rikard: He's moving!!
Kael: I wish there was a pencil case somewhere.
Wah: This place shall be your tom........WHAT??
Wah: My powers! They are not listening to me, where are my powers!!

Jon The Hell Caster: Yoooo Hoooooooooo, hello my pretty pets.
Rikard: Pets!!!??
Jon The Hell Caster: Yes, pets it's feeding time.
Jon The Hell Caster: Now.......what will it be: fish flakes or budgie nuts?
Kael: I'll take the nuts
Rikard: You never had any anyway when you were a human being.
Kael: Grrrrrrr

Jon The Hell Caster: Silence Pencils! allow me to make my judgement.
Apprentice Of Jon: Why were the pencils not gagged. Did they not try to slay you?
Jon The Hell Caster: I was too tired to approach.
Jon The Hell Caster: Er, regardless, in the end, they can unwilling.
Apprentice Of Jon: What shall be done with them sire?
Jon The Hell Caster: They are deviants - let the rot in my toilet.

Apprentice: Er........sire, your bard is in there.
Jon The Hell Caster: NOT AGAIN!!
Apprentice: Shall I remove him sire.
Jon The hell Caster: Yes, and bring me my spellbook.
Apprentice: Er.........

Jon The Hell Caster: WHAT IS IT NOW!!! I'M A VERY BUSY MAN!
Apprentice: It's in the toilet too, you felt asleep last night whilst doing your........
Jon The Hell Caster: Yes, yes, yes no need for the details - just get it.
Apprentice: As you wish master.

Kael: Hee hee hee hee
Jon The Hell Caster: Polymorph Sharpener: Jon