Thread: Viconia Romance
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Old 11-07-2001, 02:39 PM   #11
Darth Bob
Drow Warrior

Join Date: October 3, 2001
Posts: 252
Nope, Im a lawful good paladin with a rep of 19 and shes hitting on me [img]smile.gif[/img] , just dont insult her (even tho insulting doesnt mean anything to drow) and dont yell at her or argue or kick her out even for a second (note: if she gets petrified which kicks her out automaticly, she will still act like you kicked her out and cut it off, I know from experence!) Frankly I couldent say why she sisnt hitting on you. 2 things I can think of is your a guy right? and if nothing else works, goto to GLOBAL VARIBALES is shadowkeeper and add the line VICONIAROMANCEACTIVE and make the varible 1. hope this helps.
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