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Old 07-16-2002, 12:47 AM   #1
The Hierophant
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: May 10, 2002
Location: Dunedin, New Zealand.
Age: 42
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Howdy. Now, this may be justifiably interpreted as rumour-mongering but ah well.
Anyway, my friend's younger brother has just graduated from the Australian army's logistical corps and is at present in training for what he described as "the invasion of Iraq early next year". Whether or not his word is to be accepted, and regardless of whether or not this is already common knowledge to many of you I am curious as to everyone's opinions as to whether this invasion would be justified or not, and what the repercussions of such an invasion may be in the future.

Halting Iraq's invasion of Kuwait is one thing, pre-meditating an invasion of Iraq itself is another.

What could this act do to consolidate anti-western sentiment in the Middle-East as a whole? Could terrorist networks such as Al Qaeda use Iraq as a rallying point for additional massive terrorist attacks on invading Western nations? How serious would the death of Saddam Hussein be in the Middle-Eastern political climate? Would he be gladly rid of by the majority of Iraqi people, or would he be martyred?

Serious questions to think about, even if my friend's, brother's testimonial isn't true [img]smile.gif[/img] Constructive feedback appreciated.
[img]\"hosted/Hierophant.jpg\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Strewth!
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