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Old 05-13-2003, 11:07 AM   #5

Posts: n/a
Odd how when things are done according to the rules the paper makes it sound like they are actually breaking them. I also like the way the article implies or appears to imply that the "republicans" seized control of the government...I do believe they won it in a public electoral process...the very same way the Dems won it the last time they were in power.

All in all I believe that if they desert their post to avoid a loss, they should be disenfranchised and replaced. It was their choice to give up their seats by walking out while they were different than if I walked out of my work place because I didn't like a policy.

TL nothing is stopping a single citizen from voting for the democruds after the redistricting...hell I live in a completley democrud dominated state....and yet...we managed to get a repug governor....

[ 05-13-2003, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: MagiK ]