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Old 02-08-2002, 07:36 AM   #24

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Roxi:
About 3 years ago I attended our good friend and neighbors high school graduation. One gentleman, the school counselor I believe, read a letter to the class and parents etc that attended. The letter was from a former student. Though I don't have the exact words, I remember the content fairly well because it hit home with me. The letter read something like this:

'When I was little, my parents were the wisest people in the world. They knew ALL. There was not a single question my young mind could conjure up that they didn't know the answer to. As I grew a little older, nearing my teen years, I realized that, yes, they were wise, but they didn't know all there was. Becoming a teenager I became aware of how ignorant my parents and all adults were. In fact, they just didn't seem to know much of anything that's really, really important. By the time I was ready to graduate I had to face the fact that my parents were downright stupid. They were totally disconnected from all reality. They lacked understanding of even the smallest thing of importance. All of my intelligent observations were always met with their blank, uncomprehending stare, much to my shame that such were my parents.
As I ventured out and made my own way in the world, I began to see that, well, they weren't totally stupid.... they knew a few things. And as each year, each new experience in my life faced me, I began to realize, once again, just how wise my parents were and are. Today, I know now that the wisest thing they have ever done was to allow me my ignorance of being.'

Please remember, this is not exact, but I believe it very close. Anyway, I thought it was a very interesting observation that former student made.

Very nice post Roxi. [img]smile.gif[/img] I guess Ill let my son live another year or so