Thread: Leveling up
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Old 11-01-2002, 08:50 PM   #6

Join Date: December 11, 2001
Location: Plateau of Leng
Age: 46
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Say Jack, how'd you get a Barb with 32 strength? The most you can start with is 20, and by level 30, you've only had 7 increases, making for 27. Of course, if you're wearing a strength boost item, that would explain it.

Yeah, I miss rolling (and rolling and rolling and...or do I? the dice myself. Patience can give you some good numbers over time.

Then again, what IWD2 uses for char gen is still better than the optional point system in the DM's Guide. There, everyone starts at 8 (!), you get 25 points, and it's 1 for 1 only up to 14. To raise a stat to 18 would cost 16 points. Ouch. I'm glad they didn't do that here.

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