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Old 03-10-2001, 11:14 PM   #36
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: NJ, US
Posts: 27
Well, this certainly looks to be a worthwhile expansion! It boggles the mind; all the interesting possibilities with encounters with other Children of Bhaal, and perhaps even Bhaal himself (here's hoping)! I also think the enhancing of familiars is interesting, as mine spent most of its time in my backpack. One thing I am not quite clear on is the "summoning" of NPCs that was mentioned. Summoning? what does this mean? I would appreciate anyone clarifying this. One final thought. If you are level 40, who says you will want or need a party? In BG1, you were very weak, and a party was essential to your survival. In BG2, my character was much more powerful, and could handle many encounters by himself. In TOB, who knows if a party may be necessary, except possibly for very difficult encounters? Something to ponder.

Thanks, and here's hoping it will not be too long of a wait!
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