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Old 10-02-2001, 05:07 PM   #7

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Overpopulation and hunger are our challenges for the future. During pre/early industrial age history, only a century or two before and in the third-world now, families grow larger because the family unit relies on a home-grown workforce to manage daily life. It is an aspect of primarily economy, not race or religion necessarily. We have plenty of space on our planet and the great thinkers that will manage a larger world population haven't even graduated high school yet. We can choose, as individuals, to live in a way today that proliferates solutions to our problems, or An individual can choose to be selfish and deny any responiblity of the problem(s) themselves, Giving up the choice to solve problems, perhaps becoming part of a different problem. Each individual Makes his or her choice is my point here, and everyone has a choice, even if they dont really know it.

Everyone already has freedom, even in a facist state. One can choose freely to leave a facist state, and take upon the challenges that go along with such a course of action. One can choose to hide state prohibited activities, like millions of pot smokers do now world wide. It is freedom with concessions. Ultimatly we are all free to die as well, just not necessarily at the time and place of our choosing. It is thelevel of personal responibility we take with our freedom that makes it the benificial ideal that FREEDOM is. Without a measure of responsibility, our freedom is a bane to some and hidden to others. A few take their freedom and run free.

I have a dream as well, one that I continiually see realized, by stage and degree. This dream is the dream of Martin Luther King jr. Respect, Tolerance, Understanding, Peace. Im little less eloquent than Rev. King but I get his idea.
A great example: The Pope visits muslim majority countries, draws crowds, and is greeted by heads of state. I didnt like the pope that much before, because my perspective was biased by history and my core values, that are quite opposite to the popes dogma. Now, I have my philosophical differences with the pope and the religous ideals of his church, but his travels to non-catholic and all other nations represent the ideals I have already characterised. They are manifest by his actions, not his dogma per se, and by the reception he recieves, particually in Muslim/Islamic majority Nations. After all the Phrophet Muhammed himself was sheltered by Christians at one time according to the Koran.

We are all on this planet/boat together, and if its sink or bail, I'm gonna grab a bucket.