Thread: Darkstone
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Old 04-09-2001, 12:11 AM   #3
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: April 2, 2001
Location: New York City
Posts: 16
hehe I agree with your agreeance Ziroc,

what is really sad is that darkstone didnt have the benefit of good marketing because it really was deserving.

oh and I have serious issues with Diablo 2....I got so excited when I saw the box had 3 CD's...only to be dissapointed that one was entirely I know what they spent all that extra time and money doing...I would have much rather that disk contain more gaming levels and storyline....not some half baked attempt at an animated feature film. I'm not real big on large cinimatic wastes valuable space for more important stuff that involves me and my joystick!!!! DUH!!! LOL

compared to BG2, Diablo 2 is absolute garbage...I still enjoyed it a bit but didnt get as into it as the original Diablo... for all the delays it had in its development, it is a very short game and doesnt hold a candle to BG2...IMHO
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