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Old 07-22-2004, 08:21 PM   #1
Jorath Calar

Join Date: October 6, 2001
Location: Iceland
Posts: 4,706
ARGH!!! I generally like my job a lot, most of the people is fun to work with and the job is easy and the pay is good, but of course it has it's bad sides, rude stupid, sloppy (some of them downright disgusting) customers, having to scrub the floor (and having someone walk over it 2 minutes later) and (the reason for this thread... a coworker I have, despite my best intentions to do other wise, grown to despise. She is 19 years old and was promoted to "shift manager", and suddenly she is bossing everybody around. Generally I have no problem with people who boss others around, but this [expletetive deleted] is of the kind I really don't like. She always tell everyone else to do the hard, boring or disgusting jobs... and does the easy jobs herself... and (the worst part) then takes credit for the other jobs. and if something goes wrong she is always pointing fingers at someone else (even if it was her fault).

We work in a gasstation/reststop, I am usually in the gastation part, but this gnat is always telling me to start do the things I have to do before we close... the good part is that I have usually done them by the time she starts yapping.
I referred to her today as The Queen of the Damned, I hate talking about people behind their backs, but I think it has a bearing in this case...

Thankfully I'm quitting next month, I'll miss some parts of the job, and some of the people, but she is the one part I'll not miss.
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