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Old 09-13-2004, 04:02 PM   #42

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
Age: 57
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The True Story of 'The Compromise'

Mommy... Honey I need more help with the baby at night.

Daddy... OK?

Mommy... How about if I'm awake I'll get her, and if you're awake you get her.

Daddy... OK.

***deep in the night the sound of silence is shattered by a baby's cry***

Daddy... ***shakes Mommy***Honey... Honey... Honey!

Mommy... ***startled***What is it? Is something wrong with the baby?

Daddy... No, nothing is wrong, but the baby's crying.

Mommy... The baby? You woke me up to tell me the baby was crying?

Daddy... Yes.

Mommy... I thought if I was awake I'd get her, and if you were awake you'd get her?

Daddy... Well I WAS asleep!

Mommy... And SO was I!

Daddy... But your awake now right?

Mommy... What does that have to do with anything?


Mommy... I said what does the fact that I'm awake NOW have to do with anything?

Daddy... ***SNOORE***

***Mommy storms out to get the baby***

This has been a recreation of an actual event. No babies were harmed during this recreation, but the memory reminds the husband of how lumpy his couch is.

[ 09-13-2004, 04:06 PM: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]
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