Thread: Valkyrie
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Old 10-28-2000, 01:38 PM   #2

Posts: n/a

Once you finish the game and choose to either ally with Cet or kill him, you see the end movie and then are ported back to Brimloch Roon. Everything is the same, you could go finish odd quests or just roam around if you want.

Or you can disband your party in the Inn and "Reset Adventures" on the Game Setup screen to start over. This erases your party's role history (it will only show your current role), deletes ALL quest items from inventory and resets all the quests and dungeons. You can restart the game at whatever level you ended the last game.

I switched to Zenmaster before resetting the game because the 4 books required would poof when you reset. For Valkyrie, I imagine the knowledge (flag) that you finished that quest would also be gone. So switch roles first, THEN reset.

Starting over with a powerful party is fun for about 5 minutes. My assassin can hit for almost 100 points damage on a routine swing, and the only things in the crypt that last more than one hit are F'Lokis Ra and Scabban. And they died in about 2 or 3 hits
