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Old 11-13-2003, 11:01 AM   #3
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Beau, I beat her three different ways, but the main idea is to separate her from her pack if you can. What special item did you choose when you did the elemental rooms just before that and used your token(s)?
Spoilers follow!

The last time I played that area, I actually walked into all the rooms surrounding J'nah, picked up the loot, then from the exact opposite side from where I entered, I ran straight across to the door and J'nah followed right up to the pillar. I turned and talked with her, then set the elemental loose right next to her, so she focused on it(I'd chosen the earth one with my token) and hit her with the powder. Then just wail on her for all you're worth! Also, get the hellhound out fast, he does lots of damage.

In my first game, I played a ranger(/arcane archer) and she fought from the center of the room, but lost several times, so I switched strategy and lured them to the doorway. I think in the end, I just RAN to the door and closed the second set, healed up and went back for more punishment... I don't even remember what finally killed J'nah! LOL
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