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Old 11-12-2000, 07:19 AM   #4
Welcomed New User

Join Date: April 28, 2001
Location: Richmond, VA USA
Posts: 2

PS....I know I said this once, but it bears repeating...

You can climb that face of the Dragon Spire, which allows you to get from Ishad N'ha to Brimloch Roon without having to use teleport spells or go through Dragon Spire again. I didn't bother going to Brimloch Roon once I had gotten up there because a) I still had to do the Dragon Spire maze and b) I was milking the Ishad N'ha area while changing guilds (when it only takes 2-3 fights to gain a level and get more training, I tend to stay in a rut). However, I did clean out that area (Grue Morde and Blah-blah Bandit King...both at the same time in fact) and really filled up on dropped items. One important thing...two of my chars had 12 Athletics at that point, which may have a bearing on the success of your attempt to climb. (Athletics is under-rated..I've gotten by alot of lava areas by basically walking along the walls.)
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