Thread: Evolution
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Old 02-24-2003, 10:43 AM   #34
Very Mad Bird

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Breukelen (over the river from New Amsterdam)
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Originally posted by Moiraine:

Yorick, about your post about animals suddenly growing stuff - evolution doesn't work that way. I have a norwegian cat - these are supposedly the descendants of the cats that the vikings brought with us on their ships to kill the rats, and have been left alone in cold forests for 1000 years. Now they have evolved a heavy fur. But it doesn't mean that one morning one of those cats suddenly grew fur ! It means that most of these cats died except the ones with the biggest individual fur - and those bred and transmitted the gene, who grew stronger with time. [img]smile.gif[/img]
I know this, but we are talking about Apes that die if they swim in water. We are talking about noses that reshaped due to the necessity of swimming underwater. Noses that allow us to hold our breath. If no such species exist, how does a species develop due to specific need and then survive.

The first ape born with a downturned nose would have had the instinct of water= death would they not? What would happen if that ape mated with a normal ape?

I mean, if a person is born without a limb, their child doesn't necessarily have the same flaw. Gene codes self-correct do they not?

The instinct bit is interesting as well. Humans have no instincts like every other animal does. All we do is learned through mimicry or trial and error, not instinctivness.
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