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Old 09-26-2001, 04:56 PM   #20

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Neb:
I do NOT agree that americans are worth more than others, but I DO agree that americans(And most other people for that matter) are worth more than Osama Bin Laden and his heartless terrorists, a person's worth is determined by their ACTIONS, not their nationality, those who support Osama Bin Laden may or may not be innocent, for many of them have been brainwashed from birth to see the Western World as Evil and Osama Bin Laden as a "heroic freedom fighter", you can't really blame them for supporting him if they've been told stuff like that from birth, can you?

As I see it, there are three ways to get kill/capture Osama Bin Laden:

A) Bomb Afghanistan back to the Stone Age, Osama Bin Laden will either be killed by this, the people will hand him over to America to end the bombing or it will clear the way for solution B).

B) An attack with small elite units of soldiers who will locate, and then capture or assasinate him and his closes lieutenants.

C) Bribe Afghanistan, offer them money, removal of sanctions and trade embargos and possibly and alliance in exchange for them handing over Osama Bin Laden.

A will lead to Bin Laden being a Martyr
B will lead to Bin Laden Being a Martyr
C will lead to Bin Laden being a martyr But also to a better life for the Afgani who will stop having reasons to hate the western world

an option D will be even better if the Muslim high priests would decite Bin Laden shopuld be handed over thus giving a clear message "THIS IS NOT THE WAY THE ISLAM WAS MEANT TO BE READ"


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