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Old 09-01-2001, 03:40 PM   #35
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Suddenly, from outside, an insane laughter can be heard, the Bar patrons back away from the windows and doors in case some horrible creature storms into the Bar and starts killing people, instead, a now merely dead, instead of undead, zombie flies through a window and crashes into the bar of the Bar, two skeletons, a mummy and a lich follow it, then, the door opens and in strides....
Tiax, with his warhammer covered in little pieces of undead and his platemail splattered with things that are probably also pieces of undead and if they're not then they're probably something that you don't want to know what is, Tiax stops in the middle of the room and says "Something is approaching, I do not know what it is, but it has very loud footsteps which can be heard in the Bar are very annoying to hear all the time."
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