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Old 06-21-2002, 03:31 PM   #1
Cerek the Barbaric
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: October 29, 2001
Location: North Carolina
Age: 61
Posts: 3,257
As our story opens onto the next chapter, the majority of our intrepid group is headed North to face a black dragon that has taken a young princess hostage.

Sir Blandamour and his squire, Eliza, have met with the king and discussed the dragon's ransom demand. He desires a powerful magic item which the king owns. The king has refused to pay the ransom and instructed Sir Blandamour to kill the dragon.

Lady Galadria had stayed behind in Korup-Shun to search for the person responsible for ordering the death of Isaura, a young princess herself who has lost her memory after being attacked and killed by thugs in Korup-Shun. Galadria arrived in time to kill the attackers, but couldn't save Isaura. However, she was able to Resurrect her and restore her to health.

Thier investigation into the attack led to a confrontation with several of the locals in Korup-Shun. During the confrontation, many commoners were slain and the authorities are now seeking the arrest of the paladins....leading them to quickly exit the city. However, the "Pitters" won't soon forget their transgressions and are sure to seek revenge sooner or later.

The rest of the group (Addison, Kishin, Skye, and Ni Deng) have decided to accompany Galadria on the dragon quest. They have been joined - at least temporarily - by Legolas and Sorsha.

Finally, we have TAO and Raymond. Both of them have remained behind to commune and seek fellowship with the local druids in Steeplewood Forest.

And now.....back to our story.

[ 06-22-2002, 04:57 AM: Message edited by: Cerek the Barbaric ]
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