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Old 08-23-2001, 05:28 PM   #39

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
Age: 57
Posts: 5,177
I often play with more than one "player" character by using the multi-player setting. Sometimes names for characters are easy. Like Braveheart, or Conan, but most folks(like me)want a new name. The trick has to sound good. Frequently, this is the hardest part of creating a character. My monk is named Brother Elon, and that name just jumped out at me and seemed pretty cool, but those kinda things are few and far between.

For computer games, as well as pencil and paper D&D I've found a trick that works great when you can't think up a "cool" sounding name or don't want to use something "tried and true". Take a normal name and spell it backwards(kind of like playing an Ozzy album Strangely enough almost any name can take on a D&D feel, if spelled backwards.

My mage is N'nor (pronouced N-NOR, like ig-nor), thats my first name Ronn.
My cleric is Xolaam (ZO-lamb), Maalox spelled backward (what a

I've used many others over the years, and it's surprising how well they work.

Strangly enough, my favorite name for a team goes back to the first Wizardry on Nintendo (late 80's/early 90's). I named everyone after someone from Cheers! Sam, Woody, Cliff, Norm, Carla etc... Not the most imaginative names, but very cool for a party. I've also used Star Trek teams.
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