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Old 12-02-2000, 07:12 AM   #12

Posts: n/a

Mostly out of curiosity:
Does anyone here remember TESaggerfall?
(*grrrrrrr* make it TES:_Daggerfall then)

Where would you place that game in comparison to Planescape or W&W? It was pretty unique IMHO - it had a _really_ large and complex world that allowed you to explore, become involved in Politics or Guilds at will and train your character even without touching the main quest. It offered the chance to customize character appearance and activities to the point where some (count me in) would refuse to equip good stuff because it just didn't fit the char's look. And all those unique career opportunities! Go vampire and spend the rest (or some time) of your life traveling at night, entering towns after nightfall and fleeing from temples, or turn into a werewolf and howl at the moon...
Yet at the same time some aspects of Daggerfall were the worst I have ever found in a game (so far). What immediately comes to mind is bugs, bugs and more bugs, including the famous drop through floors, stale quests, monsters stuck inside one another... I could keep writing almost at will. Then the random dungeons, which fell into parts that kept reappearing with annoying regularity, quests that were also random generated and offered little diversity: fetch X, kill Y, protect Z. Ok, some contained nice surprises, but even those turned lame after the seventh repetition. (This was much improved by players creating and publishing their own quests, which could be included to freshen things a bit.)

But it still remains a fact that I spent a lot of time playing and have not found a worthy successor yet. Would it be good to give Planescape a try? I have not seen it yet, but what you write here sounds intriguing.
OTOH, having just bought W&W and since then spent almost every minute of my spare time playing, can I expect it to come close to TES2 in terms of character development and guild memberships? It left a pretty positive first impression, but I did not get very far yet.