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Old 04-08-2002, 05:07 AM   #9
Harri Polsa
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: February 19, 2002
Location: Mikkeli/Finland
Posts: 18
"I am only human you know and English is my second language"

I know you're only human, but you're not the only one here who is not a native english speaker. I personally don't care too much about grammar (in other people's games) as long as I can follow what is being said.

"As for the stripped version I have no intension replacing the mp3 with midi, we all have our quirks and this is mine Now if it means I am wasting time and wasting server space, so be it."

You did want me as a playtester... just doing my job here. Did I mention, that when/if I playtest for people, I'm not just looking for bugs and stuff. I will point out every single detail about that game that I feel is 'wrong' to me. You are free to ignore my suggestions of course...
By the way... I suggest you try to get some other playtesters as well (if you haven't already). The fact is, if your design size goes into three digits MBwise, I'm not sure if I'm going to download it. It's nothing against your design in itself... But I am using a modem connection and I pay per minute, so downloading a file of that size is going to take a lot of time (many hours, in fact).

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