Thread: HOtU Wishlist
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Old 07-19-2003, 05:17 PM   #1
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 31, 2002
Location: Ireland
Posts: 5,854
Well I know what I want in the next exapnsion and I have an idea about some of what were getting.

- Beholders: These are more or less a definite. Everyone wants these abominations and since it's the Underdark..y'know. Don't expect anything too fancy though, there are clipping issues with anything that has tentacles so the eyestalks will probably not move, twitch or animate, instead they'll just kinda hang there. Look what they did to the medusa in SOU. Still, i'm happy though.

- Driders: I am almost sure these will be in HOtU. They are again, underdark dwellers and are so easily done now since all they have to do is re-skin the Formorian. Knowing Bioware and their 'save-money' policy they'll jump at the chance since it won't cost much.

- Illithids: They *have* to put these in, come on people it's the Underdark!

- Subraces: Well, in SOU it was prestige classes so they have to make yet another major modification. People are hoping it will be subraces (though nothing is confirmed yet) such as Drow, Wood-elf etc.

- Underdark Tileset: I imagine this would defo. be included. That way we can construct underdark scenarios along with the fabled Menzoberranzan. New things like glowing mushrooms, twisted trees and dark, metallic buildings. You remember how it was done in IWD2? I hope it's as good as that.

Well those are the main things I can think of right now, feel free to add your own, be them creatures, classes, tilesets, scripting-functions - whatever!
Still I feel like a child when I look at the moon, maybe I grew up a little too soon...
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