Thread: Smileys, What?
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Old 11-29-2002, 08:56 PM   #1
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: England
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Smileys, I know they express emotions yakka yakka and the rest it say on the top of the graphic page but what in the name of Choc are these ment to repsent? :knightsmile: :1daisy: :pimpser: :tong27: :group2 : :alienhead: :happy29: :bricks:

Then there are the a billion and one fighting ones :fight: :matrix: :starwars:
:1drunk: :shooter02: :shooter03::shooter04: :shooter06: :shooter05: :shooter07: :shooter08: :blownup:

Then there are those that could get you banned:finger2: Yes Whip it good is in there, I can think of a few threads that it could be use in but they get you banned if ya know what I mean.

And last there the Pokemon and Digimon ones
:sakaki: (probaly gym leader) (A digimon)
:yamatoCassidy from team rocket, Alright I guess) :erika: (Gym leader Plant not in it enough)
:masakiErr. Haven't a clue) :kasumi: (The good looking Misty)
:matisuAnother leader) :junsa: (The even better looking officer Jenni)
:kyouYetr another leader, the poision one I think) :hurura:
:jirarudannot a clue) kido: (Proffesser Oak)
:kenji: (Tracy from series two)
(Think he's from DBZ)

Point being what the point of them all?

This Post would be some much better if I could get more then eight of them on a post, oh well.
You have to check them out yourself I guess.... Or I could post them all, eight per thread...
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