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Old 02-06-2002, 01:46 PM   #1

Join Date: May 24, 2001
Location: Halifax
Posts: 161
Will I figured I wanted to share with you guys a glimbse of my game and what it is all about. Soon when I have some crapy free website such as geocitie I can show you some screenshot about my game, anyways here is simple summary about it.

"You start as a young hero in a dungeon and when you wake up and realize that all your friends are gone you decide to search for them. But to your surprise a ghost is waiting for you all the time behind the door that you just opened and he looks furious. The ghost tells you that because of you almost all of humanity had gotten extinct and a daemon is outside causing hovic (I don't want to supoil the entire thing)"

Suffice to say you need to find away to destroying the daemon by going throw time and space, you have to go to the future, future's future and the past plus the present to be able to defeat the game.

It is truely exciting the way it is all plotted together and of course you have to leave the dungeon and go up to the surfface of earth. But without the proper suite you would sufficate as the atmosphere is felthy and polluted.

Will I was wondering what you guys think? Of course there are new companions that hero bring with him such as Ketrsia and Frantanio for example.

Will wish you guys all the best with your design.

Yours truly,
Fahed Al Daye
I would like to thank you man sooooooooooooooooooooo much for creating the best maker in my life. IT KICK ASS!! * HUGS * Thank you soo much, thank you so much ^____^*.<p>I can hardly wait to see this program support onlining. Heheheh, imagine if online is supported ^^*.
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