Thread: Guns.
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Old 05-25-2002, 07:47 PM   #255

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Yorick:
You fail to see the reality that a child with a semi can kill 100 people. A child with a knife would kill none. A child with a musket would probably wound one person before they were disarmed. The guns of today give a ridiculous advantage to the armed. The guns of the revolution did not.

If you cannot see the logic of this, I don't understand how you see things at all.
Legally and responsibly owned firearms are NOT in the hands of children there are laws enough to cover that issue...enforce them! And despite the media hype this doesnt happen a lot, especailly not compared to the number of people who own guns responsibly.

Who cares if it is a child with a gun or a biggot on a pulpet that causes the death of a single or multiple persons? dead is dead. Its all dangeorus so lets make the whole world safe and make everything dangerous illegal....

You clearly aren't seeing my side of it...I cannot understand why you feel obligated to remove one of the Rights gaurenteed and held second in importance next to free speech by the founders.......I just do not get it.

Like I said, Im content to agree to disagree becaus ethere is no common ground. PAX [img]smile.gif[/img]