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Old 09-13-2001, 10:27 PM   #13
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Originally posted by Tobbin:
It's my opinion that whoever orchestrated this attack did not expect the towers to fall. I think that is why there was an initial report that Bin Laden (sp?) had claimed responsibility for the attack, but when the towers fell, he denied it. I think that he was basing the attack from an earlier episode when a plane hit the empire state building. If it wasn't for the fuel burning so efficiently and for the steel weakening as it did, the towers probably wouldn't have fell. Whether or not he claims responsibility though, shouldn't matter. He is their leader, NO? In every organization I have ever seen (that was really an organization and not just people getting together), the leader would take responsibility for those underlings beneath him and their actions. Bin Laden trained these men. He gave them a great deal of their holy ideals. They used this information and training in order to get the job done. That still points to Bin Laden as being ultimately responsible. Even if he didn't give the command. I think they should take action and demand that he be extradited awaiting trial at the very least. There is a reason that all of these other countries are banding together and condemning this action. It is an unbelievablely malicious act against a peoples for no reason. If it was a military coupe, it would make some sense, but to kill civilians because they are within an icon of a society, well, that is stupid and inhumane. They could have co-ordinated some kind of response BEFORE the people arrived, but they made sure that the action happened at the height of business. That, in my viewpoint, makes a response necessary. How many people do we have to kill? I don't know. But we have to make a statement that someone can not get away with this. Not because it is America, but because it is a stand for humanity.

I like everything that you said, here.
Thank you for putting it to words...


Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth

Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.
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