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Old 01-08-2005, 09:18 PM   #20

Join Date: March 6, 2003
Location: my parlour
Age: 40
Posts: 510
I've heard that mutts, actually, make the best pets because they tend to exhibit the best traits of the breeds. my dad has a dog that we took in from the street as a puppy. the vet figures Beaumont is part golden retriever and part husky. he's very energetic, loves to runs, never barks, and hardly ever sleeps in his doghouse (even though he's up in northern Alberta in the middle of January). one problem we've seen with him, and we've heard it's true of most huskies, is that he wanders and doesn't always come back. now my dad lives in a very small town so it's not that hard to find him, but it could be a problem if you lived in the city.

also Beaumont can't swim, at all. now who ever heard of a dog who couldn't swim right? well Beaumont can't, he paddles a little and then starts to sink until my dad hauls him out again.
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