Thread: LOF: Awakenings
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:24 AM   #283
Jack Burton

Join Date: October 16, 2001
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Choc Re: LOF: Awakenings


"An interesting conclusion," The old mage said nothing further for a few minutes as he visibly examined the construct and the books open and taken from the shelves looking for patterns in the subject matter of Kuankried and his pixie (or vice versa) and the young would-be apprentice.

"I would not say you are entirely correct, but neither are you in error, many more 'touches' have been added for the benefit of my few visitors than are truly present, and my own presentation presents much falsification, but not necessarily as much as most may think, although more than you yourself give me credit for.

"That said, I think I might be able to teach you, but it will require the standard caveats, you will do my bidding without question, with the understanding that by whatever menial task I require I will actually be imparting great and wise secrets of the universe. Also do not try to avoid or hasten your tasks with magic unless instructed to do so. A colleague of mine had his tower flooded by a sorcerer's apprentice who wanted to save time filling a bathtub and animated a broom. Such could cost your life, and would certainly terminate your apprenticeship. Do you have anything to say at this time?" The old mage drew himself up to his full height, his back straightening and his piercing blue eyes seeming to lay bare Gillians soul and examine it as one would a parchment, and not a particularly interesting one.

Last edited by Morgeruat; 08-23-2007 at 08:37 AM.
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