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Old 08-23-2001, 01:27 PM   #41

Posts: n/a
yes, this is quite interesting.....

I have both Aerie and Jaheira in my party and my Paladin was flirting mercilessly with both of them, trying to be the next casanova I guess. Came to the point where it almost came to blows between Jah and Aerie, I was approached and forced to decide just who to continue the romance with.... Man I just wish there was a dialog option alnog the lines of "Can we talk about this some other time?" or "Wouldn't it be nice to have you BOTH?"... hehe.

I chose Jah and holy crap Aerie nearly died, she stopped talking to me ever since, can't say I blame ha. Jah is real challenge and I find myself reloading the MOST whenever the conversation initiated with her, since the dialogue is quite tricky, sometimes what you say may actually offend her even though they "sound" sincere. I guess I should'a stuck to aerie since I've been reloading more times than playing the game whenever Jah becomes soft, also Aerie is kinda easy to have romance with I guess. I'll pass viconia for now since my character is lawful good and I'm trying to maintain a decent rep, just to keep jah happy. I suppose in my second game, I'll go with neutral alignment, allows more "flexibility".

I think the developers did the right thing in including romance in this game or else it would have been BG1 all over again, only with a few dragons and higher res....