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Old 09-13-2001, 11:49 AM   #79
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
Posts: 5,571
Originally posted by Liliara:
And Cloudy, please don't lump all Americans in your comments of us being more interested in sports than in world news. It IS there. If you are individually not interested, that's your choice.

Of course it is impossible to generalise about a population of over 260 million but my experience of Americans that I have met in America is that they are extremely ignorant of the world outside the US. One of the benefits of a board like this is that I get to read posts from Americans that are obviously well informed about world events. The news is there but you have to go out of your way to find it.

I met a man in Richmond, Virgina who, when he learned I was from London said that it must be great living on the coast!

I met a woman on a bus between New York and Indianapolis who thought England was the capital of Europe.

In contrast I met a barman in Tucaho, New York who was extremely well informed and with whom I spent many an hour debating world politics.

I'm afraid that the majority of Americans show little or no interest in world affairs.


Save Chip - Don't let Sarah win!
Official Titterer of the Laughing Hyenas
Don't mention the score - I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it!

[This message has been edited by Donut (edited 09-13-2001).]
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