Thread: Whips....
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Old 01-17-2005, 05:18 PM   #3

Join Date: July 11, 2001
Location: Austin, Texas
Age: 43
Posts: 525
I used a whip as the primary weapon for the drow cleric I took through A Hunt Through The Dark. It was fun, but the damage output was rather low. I pretty much used the whip more for roleplaying reasons than actual combat. The character was primarily a spell caster anyway.

Well, the thing about whips is that they have low base damage (1d2) so they aren't that great for dishing out raw damage. There are some powerful whips in the game that will add elemental damage, but you might want to consider using a supplimental weapon like a short sword in the offhand. The disarm feat is very useful though, especially if your character is capable of doing sneak attack damage. Unfortunately, when NPC's are created in the toolset they are non-disarmable by default so as a result alot of user made modules end up having NPC's that cannot be disarmed. Also, many modules were made before the expansions came out so they won't have whips available for your character unless you bring your own (which I did for the above module).

If I was making another whip using character I would probably use some sort of fighter/rogue multiclass with high Dexterity and get all the dual-weilding feats, Weapon Proficiency Exotic, and Weapon Finesse (whips are weapon finessable).
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