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Old 06-17-2001, 05:54 AM   #31
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Scotland
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Mouse, having only now made his way back from "The War That May Not Speak It's Name" walks slowly into the bar. He sees one or two fellow veterans of the conflict and nods to them in acknowledgement. They share a common bond and need no words to expess their fellowship.

He makes his way to a secluded corner table and sits down. Scanning the surroundings he notices the signs of order where there used to be chaos.

It will only be a brief visit, he knows, as further adventures await. He takes his time drinking a dwarven ale, savouring it's unique qualities.

With a sigh he gets to his feet and gathers his meagre possessions. On his way to the door he stops at the bar and hands the barkeeper a small roll of parchment.

"Please give this to the elflet, should she still be in your employ"

The barkeeper gives a small nod and takes the message.

Nothing more needing to be said or done, Mouse leaves the bar to meet his destiny.


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