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Old 04-16-2004, 08:54 AM   #1
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
This is a blatant plea for sympathy, kind thoughts and prayers!
With everything else going on in our lives, my fiance and I have been pretty stressed and getting too little sleep and yesterday morning when Nacht (my fiance) woke up he was short of breath and coughing with every move.

He went up to shower and came back down within minutes, saying he was coughing up blood and shivering violently. Needless to say, I got a blanket on him and went searching for the doctor's office number. They didn't open for almost 40 minutes so I dressed, got some clothes for him and asked if he could hold out til we got there, since it would take me as long to get to the emergency room of the only hospital I knew that had one (there are more, I just don't know how to get to them but I WILL now, as it's one of those things that when you need it , and if you're like me, you may not think about it til you do!)

Anyway, we got there, the receptionist said she had no openings til much later but took down his symptoms and we sat down. Nacht went to the men's room and while he was out the receptionist called me over and told me it would be at least two hours til an opening occured, so I said we'd wait. Nacht hadn't been back 5 minutes when the nurse came to get him- the doctor decided his was a bona-fide emergency, which didn't make us feel too good, but at least he got in quickly!

A trip to get chest xrays and another session with the doctor brough the diagnosis of pneumonia and a blood test to determine if he would come home or go into a hospital. Eventually, two hours later, Nacht was full of antibiotics, we had a prescription for more and orders that if he felt even a little worse in the next few days we needed to get him to a hospital.

My sweetheart is home now and he slept most of yesterday and last night. He's weak but so far, is hanging in there so I'm hoping he will improve and we won't need to go to the hospital, he's really not keen on that notion. :-\

Anyway, I'm at work today (stayed home with him yesterday) but half awake. I admit- yesterday I was so scared, my stomach was in knots. I didn't sleep well and kept checking to see if I could hear him breathing...but he slept very peacefully (which scared me too, cuz I'm so used to him snoring now that allergy season is here! ;D)

I have some major work projects to make some progress on today, so I'm here but my mind is wandering back to Nacht, so I popped in to say hello and let you know what's happening out my way.
"Don't take life for granted." Animal (may he rest in peace)
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