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Old 10-17-2001, 09:10 AM   #151
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Originally posted by DragonMage:
~...only to find a note on the door: Closed for Remodeling.~

"Well! I never heard of that!" exclaimed Breanna. "Well, I guess we shall just continue on our journey. We shall dispel evil as we come across it. Perhaps we shall one day discover the mystery of the black diamond day."

~Hiram and Breanna journeyed several days to the North to the town of Leudeth. Leudeth was a small town with several homes just outside it's immediate vicinity and, further out, a few struggling farms. "Hiram, please scout this out for me. I shall make rough camp here and scout around to refill my supplies of herbs and such until you return to tell me what this town holds for us. Please secure us rooms at the local hostlery and find a suitable stable for the horses." "Yes, Lady Breanna, I know my way around the likes of this." ~Hiram makes sure his club in secure in his belt, adjusts his gear and starts to walk off...~

Breanna calls after him, "And don't you go sticking your nose into the taverns or the brothels yet, either. I know you too well. I don't want to have to come 'fetch' you and I assure you, my friend, you won't enjoy it either." ~Hiram huffs and shrugs his pack on his shoulders~ "Oh, alright then! You sure know how to spoil a dwarf's fun." ~Hiram starts off again towards the town, mumbling under his breath.~ ...
Hmmm.... Go to the Temple of Aerie thread and you will see that the Temple is under siege by an army of shadowcreatures.
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