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Old 12-17-2004, 07:06 PM   #31
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: December 10, 2003
Location: UK
Age: 40
Posts: 961
Reading first post, feeling fine
Second post, awww no real comments but still cheerfull there's many more posts, somone must have picked up the ball on this..
Third post... what a grouch, hmph...
Fith post, hope your joking..
Ellventh post, grow up and stop flambaiting..
Fithteenth post..

Well I could go on, Vaskez, you do know that pissing on somone elses fire will likley upset anyone huddled around it for warmth. You might have a whatever in computer engneering, it don't make you any smarter than anyone else, and it don't make you better at computing either.. It's only a piece of paper saying that your compleated a course at Uni. or maybe college...

Back to the topic

You forgot insane, or drug addict depending on how you view it, he ride's a flying sleigh..

He enters the house with a sack as well, put's some cheep tacky toy's down and who know's what he takes, Maybe he's the one who steals half your socks leaving you with only odd pairs.. Is it a coinsidense that you always get's socks for X-mas while constantly losing them in the wash..

I say he's emptying the washing machines secrect sock compartment, it's the only explination.
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