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Old 11-07-2000, 01:34 PM   #4
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 15, 2001
Location: Rapid City, SD
Posts: 47

-I climbed over the Valeia town wall once and a spider spawned there in the alley." It a narrow space, and you can get out by clicking the door to the town.

-Like I posted earlier on the Heuristic board, I was able to restart the game with a powerful character and get from Valeia to Brimloch Roon in a couple of hours using climbing and the Vanish spell.

-You can make loads of money in Brimloch Roon thanks to a friendly Scourge 'o the Sea. If you encounter one that throws a knife at you (knife +1), turn the game to real-time and dodge each blade as he throws it. I've seen them throw over 80 knives before, which are worth around 25,000 gold or so. (I don't use any gold or character cheats). This is working for your money, at least.

-You can steal from elementals that you conjure via Summon Fiend. Ice Elementals are the best, because they usually have an Ankh and about 2000 gold on them. They also sometimes have scrolls or special items. As you know, they don't drop these when they die, but if your Pickpocket skill is high enough, you can get all your attributes to 24 this way using the Ankhs. The fire fiends have Ankhs sometimes and less money, and the Earth Elementals only have an Anhk rarely, and never money that I have seen. Oh, and the Swamp Mucks and Fire Hounds don't carry anything either.

-You can turn monsters to stone and then pick them up and move them around like they are objects. For example, you can turn a tough monster, such as Crab of the Sea, to stone and then kill it using Burning Haze. (Stoned monsters are impervious to most spells such as Flame Strike and physical attacks while stoned, but a few spells work, such as Lighting and gas clouds. If you are in a dungeon, you can turn a monster to stone and then carry it to an automatic door and back away. They will die from crushing damage (but you won't get exp that way.) An interesting side note: attempting to turn a monster to stone does not seem to be considered a hostile action!

Well, that's a few off the top of my head. Have fun being weird!
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