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Old 09-27-2001, 08:34 AM   #43

Join Date: June 17, 2001
Location: england
Posts: 409
I still maintain you are better off with a single class cleric and a single class mage than you are with Aerie. Even compared with a 'normal' dual class cleric/mage her hitpoints are bad. You can't tank her because of her bad strength, thaco, weapon specialities etc etc etc, and it takes ages before she actually casts high level spells in either classes.

You are actually better off both hit point and advancement wise to dual class a cleric into a mage once you can cast 7th level spells. You'd get better hit points, advance faster and of course not have ANY of the whining about those *&%$"£$ wings of hers (or lack of them).

Incidently yes Edwins hit points are also rubbish but no-one is taling about using him as a tank are they?

Keep the posts coming guys.
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