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Old 11-08-2000, 04:46 PM   #4

Posts: n/a

The route that I took was to choose what I wanted as the end result. Look at the requirements for the class you want to end up as. Now start creating a character, but here is where it can take a LONG time. Choose the race you want as well as the picture. Always choose fighter. I will explain. When you select the class look at how many bonus points you have. If you have less then 10, the character is now fodder. Select a trait at random and add all of your bonus points to it, and add all of your skill points to one skill. Choose a bogus name, and now you have 200 bucks waiting for you. Let's say the character has 10+ bonus points (my record is 13). If you do not want to have a fighter, hit the back button and select the class you want. Look at the requirements needed for the class you want, and add your points accordingly. When he/she is finished, add it to the party, and add all of your fodder characters as well. Pool your gold with the character you want to keep, and now you have 1000 gold. It took me around an hour to create a really great party. I also walked out of the Inn with 30k.