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Old 11-25-2001, 08:28 PM   #7

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
No, you shouldn't need to talk to the dryads first normally, so if they're not appearing it's probably a bug.

Thanks Campino for the item code...if you have never used a cheat before, SookmaCook, here's what you do:

Go to your BG2 folder and find the Baldur.ini file. Make a back-up of it to be safe. Open the file, and under the header Program Options, add the following line:

Debug Mode=1

Save the file and start up your game. When you're in your current game, press Ctrl + Space, and a small typing window will appear. Copy the following exactly into the window:


now press Enter.

The acorns will now be in your inventory. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Good luck!
[img]\"hosted/melusine.jpg\" alt=\" - \" /><br />Your voice is ambrosia
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