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Old 10-23-2008, 09:32 AM   #2
Unglaublich Verwustung
Silver Dragon

Join Date: August 2, 2006
Location: i ngach aon áit (but mostly Western Europe)
Age: 55
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Default Re: Sea Cave Revitalized...

Oh, Mozenwrathe *shakes head sadly* I don't know how often I've told you about that: magic doesn't solve all ills. Sometimes, just sometimes, you need a friend with a REALLY big stick and a willingness to use it. I enjoy partying up with you, it is always a pleasure, but without doubt you are always at your best lurking at the back and using your spells to wear these guys down, repair damage to the front-line with a lot of Heal and leave the abominable hell of standing toe-to-toe at the line of scrimmage to those who don't even know how to back-down, nor how to use magic with any seriousness. Now I have a reputation for not being very good with magic, frankly it is an unearned one - the truth is that I'm actually useless with it and shouldn't be allowed near a blank scroll, let alone one with writing. Whereas for sheer, bludgeoning, chaotic, berserker-style savagery I'm up there with the best. It is a well-known fact* that there's not a lot out there that can stand up to Ung, the Fast and Furious Kobold of Doom.

So next time you want to play in the Dragonkin, get a party together, a couple of kegs of beer, the odd leg of lamb and we'll go have a BBQ special.

*according to the book of Ung. Strictly speaking this states:
"The heroic Ung doesn't know the meaning of fear and will tackle dragons, Patrolling Guardians, Squch, and anything else that moves, sooner than wash his loincloth**. This occasionally leads to mis-understandings which are always settled with the blunt end of a mace, which luckily for Ung can be either end. It is not that Ung is uncommonly brave, but simply that the word 'Fear' is not in his dictionary, nor in fact, any word after 'Erudite'***, which is entirely due to the continuing lack of toilet-paper in EFU resulting in a 'when needs must' attitude regarding the nice, soft paper upon which it is printed."

**There are entire legends built upon the exploits of this particular loincloth, which is a hero in it's own right.

***Note also that Ung doesn't know the meaning of 'Erudite' either, since all the words constituting the definition of it are also missing, for the reason previously outlined.

Make a decision, even if it's wrong, and remember....'s never too early for a salad.
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