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Old 09-12-2001, 02:13 PM   #11

Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Throntar:
We have always thought ourselves impregnable to terrorism. It has been shown in the last couple of years that this is not the case.
Well I am an American, living in America and I have never thought us invulnerable to terrorism. This country makes it too easy for foreigners to come here...they give them housing, educations and money to live on when they arrive! That is not to say that all foreigners are bad or bad for our country, but many with bad intentions can slip through unnoticed under the pretense that they are here to become citizens.
Then you have your own radical American groups who can learn how to create devastating weapons of destruction in our public libraries!
We opened the door for people to commit blatent radical atrocities against our country a long time ago. Its past time that we slam that door shut. Long past time.

I don't think that the majority of Americans put our country above any other as to the worth of its people (with the exception of a few middle east haters who have shown their disregard for middle-eastern lives in this forum for the last couple of days) but I could be wrong by believing in the best in all common people, that people world-wide have respect for everyone on the planet.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

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