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Old 06-01-2001, 06:38 AM   #3

Join Date: April 6, 2001
Location: the desert
Posts: 2,296
when a character dies, if they can be revived by spell, wand or priest,then they are still members of your party..... altho they are dead weight. *sigh* bad joke.
you can carry them around, until you can afford the cost of having a priest bring them back, unless someone else can use a scroll on them. but if you want to reroll them.. then you have to do what you would do to a live member by deleting them at the selection screen and then choosing to create new members to replace them.
or, you can go back to an earlier save, before they died and replay the scene. this way you can try to avoid doing whatever it was that killed them to begin with and you learned a good lesson. magi are powerful in combat, with their talents, but *sheesh*... they sure don't have long life spans if they get circled by a group of orcs.
here's a hint also: you can choose a healthier script for them. like one that makes them run away in terror when a baddie gets too close to them in battle. also, using your space bar to pause gives you better control over how and where to place them in fights. (lots of critters despise magi and will target them specifically).
good luck.

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