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Old 12-11-2000, 06:23 PM   #11

Posts: n/a

Yoshimo is truly be a good fighter. Right now I have him up to level 9 (needs 2 more levels to get his thief skills back). He has a decent number of hitpoints, and a very high armor class. He can offer as much as Mazzy does when it comes to archery, and you now get another fighter to develop for any weapon you want to use that no one else starts out with any skill in (halberds, long swords, or flails). Here's the party I think I will eventually assemble:

Me (level 9 Kensai, then dual-ed to mage)
Ceric (the druid shapeshifter if I can ever find him)

Instead I have to keep Amoen in the party while Jan is there for thief skills. That works out to four warriors, one thief (who will need thieving potions to open some locks), one and half clerics, and one and half mages. That's probably as much power as you can pack into one party.