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Old 03-30-2001, 12:37 AM   #19
Dog of War
The Magister

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: Tempe, AZ USA
Posts: 102
Wishes the lady a fair night... pulls out a crummpled paper from a lost lvoed one and read sfotly to himself:

My being
When I question my existence
When I think of all around me
How can I change
Why should I change
I think of you
You enter my thoughts
You enter my mind
When I close my eyes I see you
When I sleep, first, only and all consist of you
You have entered me
You are part of myself
I do not question why
Or how
Only what
What do I need to do
Do to become one with you"

Crumples the paer in his hands and swear revenge!
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