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Old 06-08-2003, 05:07 PM   #7
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: June 3, 2001
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Originally posted by Epona:
Beaumanior, I know what you mean mate. I don't like pigeonholing people, BUT

Cos I'm a mod, the townies take the piss constantly. It's no fun being surrounded by a group of 10-20 teenagers jeering at you and spitting cos you dress different to them. I'm 32 ffs, why the hell should it matter to a bunch of 16 year olds how I dress? They gob on my scooter cos it's not a plastic zip50 (or whatever model of moped they prefer this week) - that I can cope with, but throwing paint on it and trying to prise the chrome racks off it is stepping over the line IMO.

I leave them be, I just wish they would extend me the same courtesy.

And I don't get the whole trackies tucked into their socks thing either.
Keeps there ankles warm I guess... I'm with you Epona, I really am against pigeon holing people, but Im just fed up of them. I remember a time me and 3 friends were walking down the street, and the biggest group of them i'd ever seen came down the street. Must of been 50. I didnt belive my eyes. It was like a parade. I've never seen that many in one place. So me and my friends subltey turned around and walked off. But in hiensight that wasnt clever cause it just provoked them. So one of them shouted: "Where the **** are you running ***** *******. Come here you soft *****" and we kinda just shouted back "How can you call us that, theres 50 of you and 4 of us". So he comes back with: "Well okay, four of us against four of you".... I mean come on! They're just looking for trouble. It pisses me off something royal....
My pokemon bring all the boys to the yard, and they're like; you wanna trade cards? Damn right, I wanna trade cards, I'll trade this but not my Charizard.
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