Thread: The Depression
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Old 03-10-2001, 09:51 AM   #19
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 5, 2001
Location: RI, USA
Posts: 29
Let me get this straight, you're 16, you recently broke up with your girlfriend and you're really upset? Hallelujah! There's hope for the world yet! I don't mean to make light of your situation because it really sucks to be a lovelorn teenager. Personally, you couldn't pay me to return to those times. I don't really have advice for you except that the old adage is true. Time does heal ols wounds (usually). What I find so exciting is the proof that you're a young male and feel free to admit you were/ are in love. It's a wonderful thing to find these days. Too often, young men hide behind a wall claiming they feel nothing and treating others as if they don't. While I'm sorry you feel so crappy today, be proud that! And know that someday, you WILL find a girl that truly appreciates your ability to feel and acknowledge those feelings.
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