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Old 10-02-2000, 08:31 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

In the room with the Grill and the Snake Statue...

Is there some way to make the Snake's chest come down, it looks like a door, but I cant for the life of me find out how to open it... I've killed everything in this place so many times, that they just stop spawning. One priest will spawn, and once he sees me, he runs.

I have The Snake Serum (at least the Knowledge to make it)
The Iron Rod
The Wand
The Serpent and Monkey Key
Some Incense

Just about everything but this Fabled Skull Key. I've opened everydoor, except the the one by the Monkey/Hole room, and Possibly the Snake (if it is infact a door). I could really use some help... Oh and instead of trying to get info out of the prisoner, I just killed him to get his Masque (which he didnt have). Thanks in advance.